24 - 26 October 2007
The Hague, The Netherlands

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eChallenges e2007 Agenda

Updated: 2007-10-22 19:52:31

Disclaimer: This is the Advance Programme, which is subject to change.

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Day 2: 25 October 2007

Workshop 6a: End-to-End Service Utility: Advanced Service Environments for the Future Internet
Chair: Man-Sze Li, IC Focus, United Kingdom
A Vision of Next-Generation Software-based Service Provisioning
Man-Sze Li, IC Focus, United Kingdom

Intellectual Property Challenges in a Globally Connected Service Oriented World
Eugene Sweeney, Iambic Innovation Ltd, United Kingdom

Open Service Environments
Nuria De Lama, ATOS ORIGIN, Spain

Session 6b: eGovernment - Issues & Case Studies
Chair: Valerie Frissen, TNO Information and Communication Technology, Netherlands
eGovernment R&D Roadmap 2015
Bernhard Katzy, CeTIM, Germany

Addressing Challenges of OSS Application Development for IT Naïve, Poor Users
Antao Moura, Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Brazil

OIOUBL – The Danish Experience of Developing and Implementing a National eProcurement Standard
Peter Borresen, National IT and Telecom Agency, Denmark

Benchmarking Transformational Use of ICTs: The Role of Social Capital
Karsten Gareis, empirica Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Technologieforschung mbH, Germany

JuVert - Developing the Information Society Research and Education within the Universities and Polytechnics
Merja Taipaleenmäki, City of Vantaa, Finland

Workshop 6c: Collaborative Work Environments and Collaborative Innovation in Rural Living Labs I
Chair: Hans Schaffers, Aalto University School of Economics & ESoCE Net, Netherlands
The Role of Living Labs in Systemic Innovation
Angelos Ktenas, European Commission, Belgium

Requirements for future User-Driven Communities in Open Innovation and Implications for (Rural) Living Labs
Patrizia Hongisto, Helsinki School of Economics, Finland

Methodological Framework for Human and User Centric Rural Living Labs
Javier Garcia Guzman, Carlos III University, Spain

Creating and Managing Synergies in a Network of Rural Living Labs
Hans Schaffers, Aalto University School of Economics & ESoCE Net, Netherlands

Workshop 6d: Towards Shared and Common Frameworks of Competence
Chair: Peter Weiss, Weiss4 , Germany
Approach for Requirement Oriented Team Building
Norbert Gronau, Chair of Business Information Systems and Electronic Government, Germany

Competence and Job Profiles Frameworks
Clementina Marinoni, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Sustainable Competency-Oriented Human Resource Development with Ontology-Based Competency Catalogs
Andreas Schmidt, FZI Research Center for Information Technologies, Germany

Conceptual Frameworks for the Modelling of ICT Competence Profiles
Roman Povalej, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany

Workshop 6e: Overcoming Barriers to SME Collaboration in the Enlarged Europe
Chair: Flavio Bonfatti, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
The Acceptance of Trust Building Mechanisms on B2B Marketplace
Viliam Vajda, Faculty of Economics Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia

Putting Semantic Interoperability between Small and Micro-companies into Practice
Flavio Bonfatti, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

Controlled Vocabularies in the European Construction Sector: Evolution, Current Developments, and Future Trends
Celson Lima, CSTB, France

The Future e-Business Scenarios of European Construction SMEs
Sonia Bilbao, Robotiker-Tecnalia, Spain

A Harmonised Regulatory Framework for Supporting Single European Electronic Market: Achievements and Perspectives
Tarek Hassan, Loughborough University, United Kingdom

Session 6f: Media 1 - Issues
Chair: Roger Wallis, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
The Pricing of Digital Content - What Are the Users Willing to Pay for?
Håkan Selg, Uppsala University, Sweden

Rethinking Business Models for the Creative Industries
Alberto Cottica, The Hub, Italy

The Future of Open Source and Open Content – The Verdict of Experienced Users and Business People
Olle Findahl, World Internet Institute, Sweden

Open Source/Open Content and Other Emerging eBusiness Models: A Complement to or on a Collision Course with the Existing IPR/Patent Regime
Lars-Erik Eriksson, DACC Systems AB, Sweden

User Behaviour and Attitudes Towards Consumer Issues on Markets for Online and Mobile Products & Services
Alexander Mentrup, empirica Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Technologieforschung mbH, Germany

Session 6g: eHealth 4 - Applications addressing disabilities
Chair: Alvaro Oliveira, Alfamicro, Lda., Portugal
Urban Guidance for the Blind and Visually Impaired – Pedestrian Route Planning and Navigation using a Mobile Handset
Alex Jonsson, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden

Developing Sensor-Based Services for Independent Living
Marc Jaeger, University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany

NavigAbile: Services and Methodologies for Internet Exploitation by People with Communicational and Cognitive Disabilities
Angelo Scacco, Fondazione Italiana Accenture, Italy

Health Care Information Modelling with Archetypes in a Diabetes Integrated Care Protocol
Jack Verhoosel, TNO, Netherlands

Workshop 6h: ENISA Foresight Forum: Security Challenges in Emerging Applications and Future Technologies
Chair: Carsten Casper, ENISA, Greece
Social Networking Sites - How Safe?
Ralph Gross, Carnegie Mellon University, United States

Reputation Schemes as Trust Enablers - Added Value to Security, and Pitfalls
Sandra Steinbrecher, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany

Botnets - The Silent Threat
David Barroso, S21sec, Spain

Coffee Break : Exhibition & Networking
Workshop 7a: NESSI – the Service Opportunity for ICT SMEs, as Providers of Services
Chair: Véronique Pevtschin, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A, Italy
Overview and Current Status of NESSI, the European Technology Platform dedicated to Software and Services
Véronique Pevtschin, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A, Italy

NEXOF, the NESSI Open Service Framework
Stefano De Panfilis, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, Italy

Involvement of ICT SMEs in NESSI - the Software and Services ETP
Mayte García, ATOS ORIGIN, Spain

Session 7b: eGovernment - Case studies
Chair: Marten Buschman, City of The Hague, Netherlands
Can eGovernment in Hong Kong Enable eGovernance?
Ka Yu (Joeson) Wong, University of New South Wales, Hong Kong

The Transformation of Dutch Social Security Regarding Document and Information Management
Jelle Kruizinga, Dutch Employed Persons Insurance Administration Agency (UWV), Netherlands

ICT as an Opportunity for Regional Development: the Extremadura Case
Manon van Leeuwen, Office for European Projects, Regional Government of Extremadura, Spain

Informal Leadership and Networks: Lessons from the Response to the West Nile Virus Outbreak
G. Brian Burke, Center for Technology in Government, University at Albany, State University of New York, United States

Workshop 7c: Collaborative Work Environments and Collaborative Innovation in Rural Living Labs II
Chair: Hans Schaffers, Aalto University School of Economics & ESoCE Net, Netherlands
Rural Living labs – user centric development from the trenches
Laura Zurita, ATOS Origin, Spain

Frascati Living Lab Stimulating Business Incubation
Alessandro Braccini, ESoCE-Net, Italy

Collaboration Environments Instantiation Process through Interoperable Platforms
Mariano Navarro de la Cruz, Tragsa Group, Spain

Territorial Living Labs
Jesse Marsh, Atelier Studio Associato, Italy

Workshop 7d: Availability of e-Skills - Improving the Employability of the Workforce
Chair: Peter Weiss, Weiss4 , Germany
Welcome and Overview of Projects and Activities of CEPIS
Nikos Ioannou, CEPIS, Belgium

Towards Outlook and State-of-play of Current e-Skills Policy and Measures
André Richier, European Commission, Belgium

European e-Competence Framework
Jutta Breyer, Kibnet/ IG Metall, Germany

Developments towards a European ICT User Skills Framework
Dudley Dolan, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

European Survey of ICT Qualification and Certification Schemes
Peter Weiss, Weiss4 , Germany

Workshop 7e: Showing the Way – Impact and Success Factors of SME R&D Participation
Chair: Tanja Vos, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
The Impact of Research and Development on Indian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Rajashree Iyer, ITSMA, India

Best practices in SME Integration
Katrin Reschwamm, EUrelations AG, Switzerland

New clustering experiences in Europe
Jesús Fernández Garcia, PRODINTEC, Spain

Impact of R&D on SME groupings
Darren Morrant, The European Association of Innovating SMEs, Belgium

Session 7f: Media 2 - Applications & Case Studies
Chair: Roger Wallis, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Passepartout Project: Brings Standards and Architecture to High Definition Rich Media
Rop Pulles, Philips Applied Technologies, Netherlands

Positioning Online and Offline Media Services in Me/We Space
Nils Enlund, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden

A Content Based Movie Recommendation System
Ayse Nur Birturk, METU, Turkey

Next Generation Live iTV Formats and Aesthetics: A Joint Scientific and Artistic Approach
Richard Wages, CUAS / NOMADS Lab, Germany

Session 7g: eHealth 5 - Applications
Chair: Bernhard Katzy, CeTIM, Germany
Multi-Science Decision Support for HIV Drug Resistance Treatment
Peter Sloot, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Collaborative Virtual Laboratory for eHealth
Marian Bubak, ACC CYFRONET AGH, Poland

COGKNOW: Translating Research Innovation into Products and Services
Maurice Mulvenna, University of Ulster, United Kingdom

Increasing Psycho-Physiological Wellbeing by Means of an Adaptive Lighting System
Edith Maier, University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg, Austria

Workshop 7h: Usage Scenarios, Best Practices and Deployment Areas of Electronic IDs - A Holistic Approach
Chair: Frank Zimmermann, Hewlett-Packard International, Switzerland
Integration and Management of a National Personalization Center – A Case study from Slovakia
Michal Sevcik, Hewlett-Packard Slovakia, s.r.o., Slovakia

Managing risks in the roll-out of Italian Residence Permits
Antonino Lucantonio, Hewlett-Packard Italiana s.r.l., Italy

National Electronic ID Card, Germany (ePA) - Functionality, Standards, Technical Requirements
Alexander Winnen, Siemens AG, Med, Germany

Challenges in Integrating Solution Components for eID
Mark Crosbie, Hewlett-Packard Ireland Limited, Ireland

Lunch : Exhibition & Networking
Workshop 8a: Canada and the Netherlands: Light Paths to International Research Cooperation I
Chair: Kees Neggers, SURFnet, Netherlands
Linking the e-Science World with Light
Bram Peeters, SURFnet, Netherlands

Next Generation Internet Challenges
Bill St Arnaud, CANARIE Inc , Canada

Demonstration of Scientific Applications using Lightpaths
Susan Baldwin, CANARIE Inc, Canada

Session 8b: eGovernment - Case studies
Chair: Rodrigo Pinto Scholtbach, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Netherlands
A Framework of Municipal Management Information System (MMIS) Based on the System-of-Systems
Yuanfang Wang, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

Measuring Online Sophistication of Public Authorities at Local and Regional Levels: The Case of Greek Regions
Eleni Panopoulou, University of Macedonia, Greece

The Problem of Literacy in e-Government Implementation for Development: A Case Study of e-Land Management Information System from Mozambique
Gertrudes Macueve, University of Oslo, Mozambique

Reinventing Public Service Delivery by Implementing the e-Citizen Charter
Matt Poelmans, CitizenVision, Netherlands

Session 8c: Living Labs
Chair: Jonathan Sage, IBM United Kingdom Ltd, United Kingdom
The Role of e-BioLabs in a Life Sciences Collaborative Working Environment
Han Rauwerda, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Towards Harmonized Methods and Tools for Living Labs
Ingrid Mulder, Telematica Instituut, Netherlands

Services of Living Labs and Their Networks
Claire Fahy, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland

Living Labs - Implications for the Public Innovation Agenda
Bernhard Katzy, CeTIM, Germany

The Intelligent Coffee Corner: An Innovation Experimentation Space
Ingrid Mulder, Telematica Instituut, Netherlands

Session 8d: Technology Enhanced Learning
Chair: Stephan Raimer, Flensburg University, Germany
The Challenges of Applying Educational Technologies in Primary Schools: Comparing Experiences in Hong Kong and England
Kit-pui Wong, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China

AGENT-DYSL: A Novel Intelligent Reading System for Dyslexic Learners
Andreas Schmidt, FZI Research Center for Information Technologies, Germany

Technology Enhanced Learning through Mobile Technology in Secondary Education
Henk van Zeijts, Waag Society, Netherlands

Innovating e-Learning and Classroom Interactions through Digital Ink: Lessons from the I-TRACE project
Adina Magda Florea, University Politechnica of Bucharest, Romania

Session 8e: Virtual Organisations - Issues
Chair: Robert Alard, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Towards a Decision Framework for the Use of Multiagent Systems in OGSA Compliant Grid Middleware
Thomas Bieser, University of Hohenheim, Germany

Service Level Agreements: An Evaluation from a Business Application Perspective
Paul Karaenke, University of Hohenheim, Germany

The Community Triangle - Success Factors for Leading Purposeful Communities
Olov Forsgren, Stockholm University, Sweden

Co-Design: An Approach to Border Crossing, Network Innovation
Lars Albinsson, Maestro Management, Sweden

Session 8f: Digital Content - Applications & Case Studies
Chair: Jesse Marsh, Atelier Studio Associato, Italy
Ownership Challenges in the Digital Networked Environment - the Example of the Kazaa File Sharing Application
Jakob Saros, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Pricing and Business Models in the Mobile Music Industry – the Challenge of Meeting Consumer Needs and Preferences
Monika Hanson, Ericsson, Sweden

e-Commerce Rhetoric and Reality in the Music Industry: Estimating the Real Impact of File-sharing activities on CD-sales
Anders Edström-Frejman, Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Sweden

Ontology on Semantic Web
Ferda Alpaslan, METU, Turkey

Workshop 8g: e-Health – Integration with Health Service Provision
Chair: Terry Newholm, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
An eHealth Business Model for Independent Living Systems
Jan Van Ooteghem, Ghent University - IBBT, Belgium

Enabling Citizens to Assess the Quality and Integrity of Health Websites
Michael Rigby, Keele University, Ireland

A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Use of the Internet for Health Related Information
Terry Newholm, University of Manchester, United Kingdom

e-Health and Older Persons
Debbie Keeling, University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Workshop 8h: European eGovernment Interoperability Frameworks
Chair: Yannis Charalabidis, National Technical University Athens, Greece
The IDABC Programme: Revising the European Interoperability Framework and Related Activities
Serge Novaretti, European Commission, Belgium

Open Standards and Service-oriented Architectures as Key Factors for Interoperability and Process-oriented eGovernment
Michael Tschichholz, Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication, Germany

Advancing the eGovernment Interoperability Framework in European Countries: Architectures, Challenges and Perspectives from the new Greek eGIF
Yannis Charalabidis, National Technical University Athens, Greece

The Norwegian eGovernment Interoperability Framework
Arne Berre, SINTEF, Norway

Coffee Break : Exhibition & Networking
Workshop 9a: Canada and the Netherlands: Light Paths to International Research Cooperation II
Chair: Bill St Arnaud, CANARIE Inc , Canada
StarPlane - an Application Controlled Photonic Network
Paola Grosso, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands

Semantic Models for Optical Hybrid Networks – Lightpaths Across Domain Boundaries
Jeroen van der Ham, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Lightpath Planning and Monitoring
Ronald van der Pol, SARA, Netherlands

Building Automatic Application Controlled Networks for Distributed Computing
Inder Monga, Nortel Networks, United States

Session 9b: eGovernment - Service Delivery
Chair: Dave Broster, Joint Research Centre IPTS, Spain
A Methodology for Developing Local Administration Services Portals
Sotiris Koussouris, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

RISERid - Providing Trans-European Access to Resident Registers
Bernhard Krabina, KDZ - Centre for Public Administration Research, Austria

EU-Pay: A Multi-Channel EU Wide Payment System
Julia Glidden, Sheffield City Council, United Kingdom

Worldwide Access to European Land Property Information
Martin Salzmann, Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency of the Netherlands, Netherlands

Workshop 9c: Open Innovation and Living Labs for Service Creation
Chair: Bror Salmelin, European Commission, Belgium
Bror Salmelin, European Commission, Belgium

The European Network of Living Labs and the Living Labs Policy and Strategy
Angelos Ktenas, European Commission, Belgium

Open Innovation and Living Labs, Industrial Perspective
Richard Straub, IBM, France

Open Innovation and Living Labs: User Perspective
Jo Pierson, IBBT SMIT, VUB, Belgium

Open Innovation as a Source of New Business
Bernhard Kölmel, HS Pforzheim, Germany

Open Innovation Communities
Alvaro Oliveira, Alfamicro, Lda., Portugal

Workshop 9d: HAGRID - Supporting Wider Participation in FP7
Chair: Paul Cunningham, IIMC Limited, Ireland
HAGRID - Supporting Participation in FP7
Dimitrios Papageorgiou, Q-PLAN North Greece Ltd, Greece

Hungarian Participation in FP6
Klara Heilingbrunner, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

FP7 and the Future of RTD from the perspective of a Hungarian SME
Réka Moksony, Régens Information Technology Plc., Hungary

Encouraging SME Participation from New Member States in FP7
Adam Turowiec, Innovation Ltd, Poland

FP7 - Opportunities for the Romanian Research Community
Dan Baclesanu, ARIES - Romanian Association for Electronic Industry and Software, Romania

IST-Africa - Linking European & African Researchers
Paul Cunningham, IIMC Limited, Ireland

Session 9e: Virtual Organisations - Applications & Case Studies
Chair: Richard Stevens, IDC, Italy
User Driven Dynamic Grid Services to Integrate New Users and Old Systems in eScience Facilities
Tom Kirkham, STFC, United Kingdom

Managing Knowledge in Organizational Networks of Innovation – Strategies & Practices
Robert Verburg, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

A Process Model for Open Innovation: Open Commercialization
Geleyn Meijer, LogicaCMG, Netherlands

Information Integration in Multi-Dimensional Agri-Food Supply Chain Networks: a Service-Oriented Approach
Cor Verdouw, LEI Wageningen UR, Netherlands

Session 9f: Digital Libraries - Case Studies
Chair: Kim Davis, Research Council of Norway, Norway
Development of Cultural Heritage Digitisation and Access: Lithuanian Approach
Regina Varniené, Martynas Mazvydas National Library of Lithuania, Lithuania

QVIZ - The Future Way of Researching Archives through the Internet
Fredrik Palm, Umeå University, Sweden

Towards a Global Standardized Digital Library of Scientific Models
Hatem El Refaei, EngNet, Egypt

Egyptian National Archive Project
Mohammed Reda, Alliedsoft, Egypt

BiblioRedes Program: Coverage versus Depth. Dilemmas of the Social Digital Inclusion from Public Libraries in Chile
Enzo Abbagliati, Directorate of Libraries, Archives and Museums, Chile

Workshop 9g: Standards & Innovation in Service Management
Chair: Volker Stich, FIR: Institute for Operations Management at RWTH Aachen, Germany
Developing Networked Maintenance Services using InCoCo-S Reference Model
Amit Garg, Research Institute for Operations Management, Germany

Standardization: A Deliberate Strategy within Innovation
Siglinde Kaiser, DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Germany

Standards for Innovation in Services
Marc Hübbers, Research Institute for Operations Management, Germany

Session 9h: eLegal Issues & Case Studies
Chair: Gareth MacNaughton, Cisco UK&I, United Kingdom
Development of Legislation through Electronic Support of Participation: LEX-IS
Rimantas Gatautis, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

From eInformation to eInclusion with Draft Law Registry Database of Saeima (Parliament) of Latvia
Laimdota Upeniece, Saeima (Parliament) of Latvia, Latvia

Caselex – Case Law Exchange an Unprecedent Service for the Dissemination of National Case Law Applying EU Law
Maria Angela Biasiotti, ITTIG/CNR, Italy

Communication Environment for Judicial Network in Europe and Western Balkans
Mauro Cislaghi, Project Automation, Italy

Security Training for Members of Law Enforcement to Combat Cybercrime in the EU
Mathieu Gorge, VigiTrust, Ireland

Tutorial 10a: Future Directions for Networked Enterprise
Chair: Florent Frederix, European Commission, Belgium
Tutorial 10b: Future directions for Software and Services
Chair: Arian Zwegers, European Commission, Belgium
Tutorial 10c: Technology Enhanced Learning/Digital Libraries and Opportunities under Call 3 of FP7
Chair: Marco Marsella, European Commission, Luxembourg

Disclaimer: This is the Advance Programme, which is subject to change.

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