25 - 27 October
Barcelona, Spain |
Pre-Conference EventsThere are a number of pre-conference events being organised by projects around the eChallenges e2006 Conference. Delegates are welcome to participate in these events. Please contact the specific projects directly in relation to registering and participating in these events. Second International ELeGI Conference on Advanced Technology for Enhanced Learning24 October 2006 Hotel Torre Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain The 2nd ELeGI Conference will be mainly focused on but not limited to: - recent advances in TEL research, both from pedagogical and technological points of view - new pedagogical approaches for learning and e-learning, learner models and knowledge representation - TEL innovative application in GRID-Aware e-learning environments - theoretical and practical aspects of TEL in order to valorise those applications that can actualize learner centred approach - design and pedagogical issues of emerging architectures - Service Oriented Architectures for e-learning For more information and registration click here Semantic Web Services in practice: the INFRAWEBS experience24 October 2006 Hotel USA L'Illa in Sala Numancia This workshop aims at: - Presenting the results of the INFRAWEBS project to the scientific community and to the industry. - providing an opportunity to build up high value contacts and also a discussion platform where different projects can evaluate each others synergies and differences, thus finding opportunities to cooperate, where possible and advisable. - Providing to all those who attend with very valuable input in a topic which impacts upon the 7th Framework Programme and also future businesses and markets. For more information and registration, click here Networking event for 1st Call of FP7 - IST25 October 2006 from 11:00 to 17:00 Princesa Sofia "Tarragona" Room (-2) floor The IST-Bonus project in partnership with European IST and SEE INNOVATION projects are organising a Networking Event focused on the areas of eBusiness and eWork. IST-Bonus also have an Exhibition booth in the eChallenges e2006 Exhibition to facilitate interaction with conference delegates. For further information on the Networking Event, please contact Mr. Dan Baclesanu - ARIES Romanian Association for Electronic Industry and Software Phone/fax: +40.21.316.2773 Mail: danb@aries.ro |
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