27-29 October 2010
Warsaw, Poland

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Conference Topics

eChallenges e2010 Agenda

Updated: 2010-10-26 18:48:51

Disclaimer: This is the Advance Programme, which is subject to change.

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Day 1: 27 October 2010

Registration : Registration
Opening Plenary 1a: Opening Plenary
Mrs Katarzyna Sobierajska, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Sport and Tourism of the Republic of Poland

Mrs Magdalena Gaj, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Infrastructure, Poland

Prof. Zbigniew Marciniak, Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland

Mario Campolargo, Director, DG Information Society and Media, European Commission

David Broster, Head of Information Technology & Services Unit, Joint Research Centre IPTS, Spain

Coffee Break : Coffee & Networking in Exhibition
Workshop 2a: Contracting in an eBusiness Environment
Chair: Maria Tsakali, European Commission, Belgium
A Service Level Agreement Layer for the D-Grid Infrastructure
Axel Tenschert, High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, Germany

Design, Manage and Execute Services based on Open Service Models
Robert Woitsch, BOC Asset Management GmbH, Austria

Enhancing the SLA Framework of a Virtualized Service Platform by dynamic re-negotiation
Bastian Koller, HLRS, Germany

Extending WS-Agreement To Support Re-Negotiation of Dynamic Grid SLAs
Sanaa Sharaf, University of Leeds, United Kingdom

Towards Service Level Management in Clouds
Bastian Koller, HLRS, Germany

Workshop 2b
Session 2c: Collaborative Working Environments - Issues
Chair: Jens Eschenbaecher, Priv. Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft & Technik (FHWT), Germany
Challenges in Collaborative Design in Engineering Networks
Adam Pawlak, Silesian University of Technology, Poland

A general template implementation of ontology for Collaborative Building Design
Antonio Fioravanti, Sapienza - University of Rome, Italy

Concurrent Design Across Industries
Ray Richardson, Daysha Consulting, Ireland

Session 2d: eTourism
Chair: Agnieszka Tomczyszyn, Polish Tourism Organisation, Poland
Towards a Web 2.0 Presence Model for Tourism Destination Management Organizations
Luisa Mich, University of Trento, Italy

Use of ICT for Tourism in Poland

Panel discussion focused around sharing experiences from Polish Tourist Information System & PTO’s e-Marketing Activities

Mikolaj Plichta & Agnieszka Tomczyszyn, Polish Tourism Organisation

Session 2e: Security and Identity Management - Issues
Chair: Jonathan Cave, RAND Europe, United Kingdom
On the Study of Trusted Information Exchange Services based on Authentication Policy Extension
Masakazu Ohashi, Chuo University, Japan

National Resilience Strategy
Gareth MacNaughton, Cisco UK&I, United Kingdom

Profitability, privacy and security in the cloud – a case for action?
Jonathan Cave, RAND Europe, United Kingdom

Workshop 2f: Information Society & eInfrastructures in Poland
Chair: Stefan Wesner, University Ulm, Germany
Information Society in Poland: Content Delivery Network for Live and On-Demand Video Services and Interactive Television
Cezary Mazurek, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poland

eInfrastrucutres in Poland: Federation of Digital Libraries in PIONIER Network
Marcin Werla, IChB PAN PCSS, Poland

Polish National Grid Initiative PL-Grid and its GridSpace2 Virtual Laboratory
Piotr Nowakowski, ACC CYFRONET AGH, Poland

Lunch : Lunch & Networking in Exhibition
Workshop 3a: Business Models for Smart Applications and Systems in the Future Internet
Chair: Man-Sze Li, IC Focus, United Kingdom
Towards New Business Models in the Energy Sector based on Software-as-a-Service-Utilities and Value-added Services
Hannes Suttner, Siemens AG Österreich, Austria

SaaS-U within a Service and Application Intermediary Business Model in Regional Healthcare
Andrew Faughy, Innovation Europe, United Kingdom

The Economics of Utility Services in ICT
Man-Sze Li, IC Focus, United Kingdom

Session 3b: eGovernment - Issues
Chair: Ulf Blomqvist, VINNOVA, Sweden
A Stakeholder-centric Approach to Information Systems Design
Jonas Sjöström, Uppsala University, Sweden

SPOCS: Simple Procedures Online for Cross-border Services
Dinand Tinholt, Cap Gemini / SPOCS, Netherlands

A Medium to Long Term Roadmap for Access Services on DTV
Takebumi Itagaki, Brunel University, United Kingdom

Trends and Scenarios of Key Information Society Factors and Technologies: Modelling Methodology and a Case Study
Andrzej M.J. Skulimowski, Progress & Business Foundation, Poland

Measurement of eGovernment Success: European Web Awards
Hanne Sørum, Westerdals Oslo ACT, Norway

Session 3c: Collaborative Working Environments - Applications
Chair: Alvaro Oliveira, Alfamicro, Lda., Portugal
A Net-Centric Approach to Tacit Knowledge Management
Michael Brown, SkillsNET Corportation, United States

Estimating organizational potential for knowledge supportive collaborative technologies
Ali Imtiaz, Research Institute for Operations Management (FIR) at RWTH Aachen, Germany

Parametric Tool to Evaluate Impact of Organisational Collaborative Knowledge Based Systems
Carlos Ruiz, Intelligent Software Components S.A, Spain

Workshop 3d
Workshop 3e: IST-Africa - Linking European & African Researchers I
Chair: Paul Cunningham, IIMC Limited, Ireland
EU - Africa Research Cooperation Opportunities
Thierry Devars, European Commission, Belgium

ICT Initiatives & Research Capacity in Mauritius
Dan Faugoo, National Computer Board , Mauritius

Research Capacity in South Africa
Thabisa Mbungwana , Department of Science and Technology , South Africa

ICT Initiatives & Research Capacity in Namibia
Ferdinand Katire, Ministry of Education, Namibia

ICT Initiatives & Research Capacity in Mozambique
Augusto Nunes Junior, ICT Policy Implementation Technical Unit (UTICT), Mozambique

Session 3f
Coffee Break : Coffee & Networking in Exhibition
Workshop 4a: Are Enterprise Collaboration and Enterprise Interoperability enabling Innovation scenarios in industry? The COIN IP perspective in Automotive and Aerospace
Chair: Sergio Gusmeroli, TXT e-Solutions SPA, Italy
The COIN IP perspective in Automotive
Goran Trebec, Automotive Cluster of Slovenia (ACS), Slovenia

Production Planning and Knowledge Interoperability Utility and Value-Added Services in Aerospace Domain
Vittorio Cannas, Filas SpA, Italy

Session 4b: eGovernment - Services
Chair: Gareth MacNaughton, Cisco UK&I, United Kingdom
Temporal Accessibility of e-Services
Riitta Hellman, Karde AS, Norway

Collaborative Development of Public Information Systems: A Case Study of “Sambruk” eServices Development
Claes-Olof Olsson, Sambruk, Sweden

South African E-Government: Secure E-Services
Innocentia Dlamini, CSIR, South Africa

A Proposal of Representative Legal e-Services based on a Slovenian Case Study
Benjamin Lesjak, Faculty of Law, University of Maribor, Slovenia

European Civil Registry Network - Enabling Cross-Border Civil Acts Exchange
Antonio D'Amico, Inclusion Alliance for Europe GEIE, Romania

Session 4c: Collaborative Working Environments - Case Studies
Chair: Jesse Marsh, Atelier Studio Associato, Italy
The Knowledge Bus as Model-Driven Knowledge Intrastructure
Robert Woitsch, BOC Asset Management GmbH, Austria

Micro and Nano Device - Customer-Oriented Product e-Engineering in e-CoFrame
Tomasz Bieniek, Instytut Technologii Elektronowej, Poland

Robots On the Move from the Production Line to the Service Sector: The Grand Challenges for Contractors, Workers, and Management
Kim Normann Andersen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Workshop 4d: Automating Digital Preservation
Chair: Kuldar Aas, National Archives of Estonia, Estonia
Agents that Supply Knowledge exchange in Long-Term Digital Preservation
Josep Lluis de la Rosa i Esteva, Easy Innova, Spain

Aligning PROTAGE outcomes to the LDP Centre’s test platform
Hugo Quisbert, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

Automatic Digital Preservation Solutions Enabled by Web Services and Intelligent Agents
Xiaolong Jin, University of Bradford, United Kingdom

Automated Ingest of Digital Records from EDRM Systems
Kuldar Aas, National Archives of Estonia, Estonia

Workshop 4e: IST-Africa - Linking European & African Researchers II
Chair: Paul Cunningham, IIMC Limited, Ireland
ICT Initiatives & Research Capacity in Senegal
Almamy Konte, Ministere de la Recherche Scientifique , Senegal

ICT Initiatives & Research Capacity in Egypt
Effat El Shooky, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology , Egypt

ICT Initiatives & Research Capacity in Burundi
Augustin Nsabiyumva, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Burundi

ICT Initiatives & Research Capacity in Kenya
Eric Mwangi, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Kenya

ICT Initiatives & Research Capacity in Tanzania
Enock Mpenzwa, Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology, Tanzania, United Republic Of

ICT Initiatives & Research Capacity in Uganda
Loi Mirembe Namugenyi, Uganda National Council for Science and Technology, Uganda

Session 4f: eInfrastructures & High Performance Computing Applications
Chair: Stefan Wesner, University Ulm, Germany
DEISA: e-Science in a Collaborative, Secure, Interoperable and User-Friendly Environment
Wolfgang Gentzsch, DEISA-2, Germany

Integrating GridSpace Virtual Laboratory with EGEE Grid Storage Services
Piotr Nowakowski, ACC CYFRONET AGH, Poland

The Need for New Monitoring and Management Technologies in Large Scale Computing Systems
Jochen Buchholz, HLRS, Germany

EGI - A Sustainable Grid Infrastructure for Europe
Catherine Gater, EGI.eu, Netherlands

End of Parallel Sessions
Reception : Reception

Day 2: 28 October 2010

Session 5a: ICT for Networked Enterprise
Chair: Man-Sze Li, IC Focus, United Kingdom
Conceptual Modeling of Complex Events of the Internet of Things
Philipp Walter, IDS Scheer AG, Germany

An Environment for a Powerful Business Document Schema Profiling
Nicola Gessa, ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Italy

An assistive mobile system for visually impaired and blind people
Michał Markiewicz, Jagiellonian University, Poland

Workshop 5b: Issues in Interoperability
Chair: Terje Grimstad, Karde AS, Norway
Organizational Barriers to Interoperability
Riitta Hellman, Karde AS, Norway

Information Governance and Metadata Strategies as a Basis for Cross-sector e-Services
Terje Grimstad, Karde AS, Norway

Future e-Government: From Monologue to Dialogue
Arne Thorstensen, The Tax Administration , Norway

Analytical Framework for e-Government Interoperability
Hans Solli-Sæther, BI Norwegian School of Management , Norway

Session 5c: Living Labs - Issues
Chair: Giorgio Da Bormida, ELGI S.r.l, Italy
Living Labs and Regional Innovation Policies in the Mediterranean Area
Jesse Marsh, Atelier Studio Associato, Italy

Living Labs as Engagement Models for Innovation
Maurice Mulvenna, University of Ulster, United Kingdom

Choosing the Best Model of Living Lab Collaboration for Companies
Jens Eschenbaecher, Priv. Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft & Technik (FHWT), Germany

Internationalising ENoLL: The Case of Brazil
Alvaro Oliveira, Alfamicro, Lda., Portugal

Session 5d: Digital Libraries & Cultural Heritage
Chair: Sue Pendell, Colorado State University, United States
DC-NET: a European network to deploy a new e-Infrastructure for the Digital Cultural Heritage
Antonella Fresa, Italian Ministry of Culture, Italy

On-line GIS for Movable Cultural Heritage – Possibilities and Benefits
Albina Moscicka, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Poland

Metadata Repository Management using the MediaWiki Interoperability Framework A Case Study:The KeyToNature Project
Cornelia-Flavia Veja, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Session 5e: Leveraging Semantic Technologies
Chair: Peter Stanbridge, Korora Limited, United Kingdom
Towards an Infrastructure for the Evaluation of Semantic Technologies
Francisco Martín Recuerda, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid , Spain

Experiences using the UML Profile for MARTE to Stochastically Model Post-production Interactive Applications
Stuart Middleton, University of Southampton, United Kingdom

Applying High Performance Computing Techniques for Advanced Semantic Reasoning
Alexey Cheptsov, High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart , Germany

SEMbySEM in Action: Domain Name Registry Service Through a Semantic Middleware
Ali Anil Sinaci, Middle East Technical University - Department of Computer Engineering, Turkey

Session 5f: eHealth - Applications
Chair: Richard Stevens, IDC, Italy
A Software Framework for Global and Regional Assessment of Cardiac Vitality and Function by Magnetic Resonance
Vincenzo Positano, Fondazione CNR/Regione Toscana "G Monasterio", Pisa, Italy, Italy

Patient Centred “Lean” Information Logistic in Modern Health care
Peter Laing, FIR at RWTH Aachen, Germany

National Organ Waiting List (NOWL) of TURKIYE
Sinan Ekinci, Ministry of Health of TURKIYE, Turkey

Coffee Break : Coffee & Networking in Exhibition
Session 6a: Networked, Smart and Virtual Organisations - Construction & Energy Applications & Case Studies
Chair: Jacek Izydorczyk, Silesian University of Technology, Poland
An Information Platform for the European Construction Sector: a Feasibility Study
Christian Mastrodonato, D'Appolonia SpA, Italy

Ontology-based business process management in construction
Ksenia Rybenko, TU Dresden, Germany

Simulation and Control of Renewable Energy Technology Integrated within Building Energy Management
Nikos Sakkas, APINTECH LTD, Greece

Towards Energy Efficient Buildings:: A Perspective Study
Tarek Hassan, Loughborough University, United Kingdom

An ICT Architecture to Support Business Processes in the Internet of Energy
Theo Lutz, FIR at RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Session 6b: eGovernment - Case Studies
Chair: Jim Yip, -, United Kingdom
The Role of Applicative Cooperation in the Marche Region Enterprise Architecture
Barbara Re, University of Camerino, Italy

Reorganization and modernization of Central Registers in Poland
Ewa Krolik, IBM, Poland

Electronic Document and Records Management Systems in Austria's Municipalities: Status and Success Factors
Bernhard Krabina, KDZ - Centre for Public Administration Research, Austria

Lessons Learned from Introducing Video Conferencing Systems into Municipal Decision Making Processes in the Finnish Archipelago Town of Väståboland
Tiina Ferm, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Assessing Dutch Ambitions: Towards Large Scale ICT Uptake in Public Sectors
Marc van Lieshout, TNO Information and Communication Technology, Netherlands

Session 6c: Living Labs - Case Studies
Chair: Jesse Marsh, Atelier Studio Associato, Italy
Living Labs Sustainability Strategies and Rural Development Policies
Tuija Heikura, Aalto University, Finland

Experiments of Context-Aware Collaborative Platform in Rural Living Labs
Olfa Mabrouki, Paris 12 University, France

SAVE ENERGY: Transforming Human Behaviour for Energy Efficiency
Alvaro Oliveira, Alfamicro, Lda., Portugal

Workshop 6d: Future of Internet in an Enlarged Europe
Chair: Ricardo Goncalves, UNINOVA, Portugal
Challenges for Cooperative Research on Future of Internet in an Enlarged Europe
Fernando Ferreira, Uninova, Portugal

The EC UNITE Programme and Opportunities for Mobility of Researchers in Europe
Fernando Ferreira, Uninova, Portugal

Taking the most from UNITE: Slovenian Cases
Tomaz Klobucar, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

INTEROP-VLab: Extending EI/ESA Research to China and the rest of the World
Guy Doumeingts, INTEROP-VLab, Belgium

Christoph Thuemmler, Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom

Rasmus Nielsen, Aalborg University, Denmark

Sergio Gusmeroli, TXT e-Solutions SPA, Italy

Session 6e: Intelligent Content
Chair: Sue Pendell, Colorado State University, United States
Ensuring ePortfolio Data Remains Personal in Next Generation Distributed Computing Applications
Tom Kirkham, STFC, United Kingdom

Approach to E-Classification and E-Tradeability of complex industrial Services
Peter Weiss, Weiss4 , Germany

Business and IT Alignment: A plug-in approach for Model-Oriented Knowledge Transfer
Robert Woitsch, BOC Asset Management GmbH, Austria

A Community Based Interoperability Utility for SMEs
Christian Melchiorre, Softeco Sismat SpA, Italy

Session 6f: eHealth - Leveraging ICT for Independent Living
Chair: Kim Davis, Research Council of Norway, Norway
Needs of Older People and Perceptions of Experts to Specify the CONFIDENCE System
Narciso González Vega, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Ethical Aspects in ICT Research and Development: The Case of the CONFIDENCE Project
Narciso González Vega, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Synergy between Social and Health Services under an Ambient Assisted Living Environment for the Elderly
Vasiliki Moumtzi, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Lunch : Lunch & Networking in Exhibition
Session 7a: Networked, Smart and Virtual Organisations - Case Studies
Chair: Peter Weiss, Weiss4 , Germany
Fine-grained Information Access in Virtual Organisations
Frank Hilbert, Tu Dresden, Germany

Enterprises’ External RTD Units (spin-outs) – The Basque Case
Leire Aginako, EUSKALTEL S.A., Spain

Challenges by Developing the Network for Sustainability in South Eastern Europe NESSEE
Ildiko Tulbure, University 1 December 1918, Romania

A Complete Data Recording and Reporting System for the EU Commercial Fishing Fleets
Amos Barkai, Olrac, South Africa

Session 7b: eGovernment - Case Studies II
Chair: Jim Yip, -, United Kingdom
Electronic Government Services – Income Tax Collection
Hendrik Hielkema, Aalto University, Finland

Lessons from Adoption of Open Source Trouble Ticket System in Turin Municipality to Manage Citizens’ Requests
Franco Carcillo, City of Turin, Italy

Innovative Business Models Enhancing Open Source Software in the Public Sector
Anna Öhrwall Rönnbäck, Linköping University, Sweden

Digital Literacy Policies for an Inclusive Europe
Emilie Normann, Danish Technological Institite, Denmark

ePower to the People – A Driver for Cross Sector Regional Development in Europe
Madeleine Siösteen Thiel, VINNOVA (Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems), Sweden

Workshop 7c: ICT for Participatory Spatial Planning and Environmental Assessment
Chair: Angelo Marcotulli, Regione Toscana, Italy
A Territorial Approach to Regional Innovation
Jesse Marsh, Atelier Studio Associato, Italy

Overview of EU Spatial Planning Systems and Policies
Francesco Molinari, Alfamicro, Italy

ICT Innovation in Spatial Planning
Sven Besteher, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Germany

The PARTERRE Project
Angelo Marcotulli, Regione Toscana, Italy

Session 7d: Technology-Enhanced Learning - Issues & Case Studies
Chair: Stephan Raimer, Flensburg University, Germany
Exploring Teaching Presence in both Online and Face-to-face Learning Environments
Danijela Scepanovic, Ministry of Education, Serbia

Learning Outcome-driven Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher Education
Tomaz Klobucar, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

Monitoring Conceptual Development with Text Mining Technologies: CONSPECT
Debra Haley, The Open University, United Kingdom

An In Depth Case Analysis of Two Language Teachers Coping with Online Instruction
Danijela Scepanovic, Ministry of Education, Serbia

Session 7e
Workshop 7f: Towards an ICT based Chronic Care Model: the Habilis approach for Sustainable Tele-Rehabilitation Services
Chair: Sandro Scattareggia Marchese, Signo Motus srl, Italy
ICT Solutions for the Management of Chronic Diseases: the Habilis Concept and the CLEAR project
Sandro Scattareggia Marchese, Signo Motus srl, Italy

Tele-rehabilitation Needs Assessment: A Multi-disciplinary Approach
Rianne Huis in 't Veld, Roessingh Research and Development, Netherlands

Methodology for HTA within the CLEAR Tele-rehabilitation Project
Velio Macellari, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Italy

Extending Upper Limb Rehabilitation for Stroke Survivors by the Habilis Platform
Francesco Benvenuti, AUSL11, Italy

A Clinical Program of Cognitive Tele-rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury
Rocío Sánchez-Carrión, Fundació Privada Institut de Neurorehabilitació Guttmann, Spain

Pre-surgery and post-Surgery Tele-rehabilitation for Hip and Knee Replacement
Wojciech Glinkowski, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland

Coffee Break : Coffee & Networking in Exhibition
Workshop 8a: Good Practices in Innovation Support Measures for SMEs
Chair: Ana M. Levin, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Innovation Support Measures for SMEs: Facilitating Transition from the Traditional to the Knowledge Economy
Anja Jennerjahn, Fraunhofer IFF, Germany

Innovation in SMEs: Looking Beyond The ‘Gazelles’, The ‘Goliaths’ and the ‘Pioneers’
Nadine Doden, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany

How to Pave the Way for SME-friendly R&D&I Programmes?
Ewa Kocinska, Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation, Poland

Session 8b: eDemocracy & eParticipation
Chair: Paul Cunningham, IIMC Limited, Ireland
Liberopinion: a Web Platform for Enhancing e-Democracy
Artur Sousa, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal

Alex Claes, GFI, Belgium

Workshop 8c: ICT for Participatory Spatial Planning and Environmental Assessment II
Chair: Francesco Molinari, Alfamicro, Italy
Engagement Models for Innovation
Maurice Mulvenna, University of Ulster, United Kingdom

Usability Is Not An Option - The Benefits of Lead Users & A Living Lab Approach To Product & Service Development
Jonathan Wallace, University of Ulster, United Kingdom

Empowering Citizens for Participatory Decision-Making in the Turku Archipelago
Tiina Ferm, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland

The Electronic Town Meeting, Presentation and Lessons Learnt
Matteo Robiglio, Avventura Urbana s.r.l., Italy

Session 8d: Technology-Enhanced Learning - Skills Acquisition
Chair: Giorgio Da Bormida, ELGI S.r.l, Italy
ICT Certification in Action
Peter Weiss, Weiss4 , Germany

ICT Literacy and Skills Acquisition Plan in Barcelona 2010-2015
Jordi Roca, Barcelona Activa, Spain

Inspiring Professional Lifelong Excellence in ICT Skills Development
Chryso Charalambous Christodoulou, Digipro Computer Consultants ltd, Cyprus

Modeling Project Management and Innovation Competences for Technology Enhanced Learning
Sobah Abbas Petersen, Sintef Technology and Society, Norway

Workshop 8e: Network EU and WBC Research Opportunities: Final WINS-ICT and ICT-WEB-PROMS Event
Chair: Hüseyin METİN, TÜBİTAK, Turkey
Hüseyin METİN, TÜBİTAK, Turkey

Support to the FP7 Participation in the Western Balkan Countries: WINS-ICT and ICT-WEB-PROMS
Desiree Pecarz, ZSI – Centre for Social Innovation, Austria

The ICT Research Environment in Western Balkan Countries
Sasa IVANOVIC, Ministry of Education and Science, Montenegro

The WBC Participation in EU ICT Research Programmes: Data and Success Stories
Betim Cico, Polytechnic University, Tirana, Albania

The Western Balkan Research Diaspora in Europe
Dejan Karadaglic, University of Manchester, United Kingdom

IHP as Access Point for West Balkan Students and Scientists in European ICT Research Programs
Zoran Stamenkovic, IHP GmbH, Germany

How to Contrast Barriers to Research Cooperation, Policy Recommendations for increasing WBC participation in FP7
Nikos Zaharis, South East European Research Centre, Greece

Session 8f: eHealth - Applications & Case Studies
Chair: Richard Stevens, IDC, Italy
Vadeo: Social Network for People with Reduced Mobility
Hector Galan-Marti, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain

Nutritional Serious-Games Platform
Hector Galan-Marti, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain

The 2008-2010 e-Learning Experience of the Public Health Virtual Campus at the University of Guadalajara, Mexico.
Igor Martín Ramos Herrera, University of Guadalajara, Mexico

Day 3: 29 October 2010

Workshop 9a: Find your ICT Research Partners. Joint Brokerage Event by Ideal-IST, WINS-ICT and ICT-WEB-PROMS
Chair: Claudia Mühlenfeld, ZENIT GmbH, Germany
Welcome and Scope of the Brokerage Event
Claudia Mühlenfeld, ZENIT GmbH, Germany

Finding Research Partners: Ideal-IST Services
Andrzej Galik, National Contact Point for FP7, Poland

Supporting WBC in the field of ICT: WINS-ICT and ICT-WEB-PROMS projects
Desiree Pecarz, ZSI – Centre for Social Innovation, Austria

Forthcoming FP7 ICT Calls
Daniel Cosnita, IPA, Romania

Session 9b
Session 9c: eMobility & Future Internet - Issues & Applications
Chair: Mícheál Ó Foghlú, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Future Internet Engineering
Wojciech Burakowski, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Cognitive Radio Networks for Enhanced Provision of Applications in Future Internet
Radoslaw Piesiewicz, Wroclaw Research Center EIT+ Sp. z o.o., Poland

Cognitive Management System for Intelligent Devices in the Future Internet
Vera Stavroulaki, University of Piraeus, Greece

Using the Energy Name Service (ENS) for Electric Mobility Roaming
Theo Lutz, FIR at RWTH Aachen University, Germany

The SumoDacs-Project: Secure Mobile Data Access with a Tamperproof Hardware Token
Michael Decker, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

Session 9d
Workshop 9e: Ethical Implications of the Global Use of Digitised Biomedical and Biometric Data
Chair: Stephan H. Schug, EHTEL, Belgium
Welcome by the European Commission, DG Research (Governance and Ethics)
René Von Schomberg, European Commission, Belgium

Promoting International Debate on Ethical Implications of Data collection, use and re-tention for Biometric and Medical Applications
Aki Zaharya Menevidis, Fraunhofer-IPK, Germany

Aims and Outlook of the Workshop
Stephan H. Schug, EHTEL, Belgium

Ethical Implications of Digitised Medical and Biometric Data
Rohaya Mohd Nor, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia

Ethical Data Sharing Involving Industry: Government-industry Collaboration
Oleksandr Kuzmenko, Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine

Information Technology and Ethical International Data Sharing
Samantha Swartzman, Imperial College London, United Kingdom

Session 9f: eHealth - Case Studies
Chair: Richard Stevens, IDC, Italy
Case Study from Wielkopolska Telemedicine Center
Michal Kosiedowski, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS, Poland

Barriers to Overcome for the Implementation of Integrated eHealth Solution in Luxembourg
Cédric Pruski, Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor, Luxembourg

Validation of an m-Health Solution for the Follow-up of Postoperative Patients of Ambulatory Surgery
María-José Nodal, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

ISMETT - A Paperless Hospital
Tommaso Piazza, UPMC Italy, Italy

Coffee Break : Coffee & Networking in Exhibition
Workshop 10a: Find your ICT Research Partners. Joint Brokerage Event by Ideal-IST, WINS-ICT and ICT-WEB-PROMS
Chair: Claudia Mühlenfeld, ZENIT GmbH, Germany
Face to Face Meetings

Session 10b
Session 10c: eMobility - Applications
Chair: Mícheál Ó Foghlú, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Inexpensive Optical Ehternet Solutions for High-Reliability, High-Availability Enterprise Networks
Roberto Zambrana, CLARA / Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Bolivia

Realizing Delay Tolerant Networking as Access Enabler: Services Arising in New Realms and the Driving Applications
John Näslund, Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Sweden

MURPESS - MUlti Radio Pedestrian Energy Scavenging Sensor network
Ugo Colesanti, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Session 10d: Technology-Enhanced Learning - Case Studies
Chair: Kim Davis, Research Council of Norway, Norway
Brokering in Open Learning Environments
Leena Vainio, HAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Revoluti Room: Design and Development of A "Classroom of the Future" Model
Henrique Sobreira, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Culture and Nature – Learn with the Cell Phone While you are Moving
Nanna Westergård-Nielsen , Viden til Vækst Consult, Denmark

New Technologies in Nature Science Teaching - Virtual Laboratory of Interactive Teaching
Filip Koczorowski, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poland

Challenges to learn Introductory Java Programming by Summer In-service students in Addis Ababa University
Temtim Assefa, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

Workshop 10e: Ethical Implications of the Global Use of Digitised Biomedical and Biometric Data
Chair: Stephan H. Schug, EHTEL, Belgium
Ethical Concerns in Non Invasive Medical Imaging: A Case Study and Pilot Framework for Tackling Ethical Challenges in Digital Imaging
Stratos Stylianidis, GeoImaging Ltd, Cyprus

Code of Conduct for FP7 Researchers in Medical and Biomedical Data Privacy
Elena Tavlaki, Arachni Ltd, Greece

First Results from the ETHICAL Delphi Process on the Global Use of Medical and Biometric Data
David Garwood, EHTEL, United Kingdom

A Healthcare Professional/Stakeholder's View on the Global Use of Medical and Biometric Data
Michael Wilks, eHealth User Stakeholder Group, United Kingdom

Open Dialogue with the Audience on the Global Use of Medical and Biometric Data

Closing Plenary 11a
Lunch : Lunch & Networking in Exhibition

Disclaimer: This is the Advance Programme, which is subject to change.

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