25 - 27 October
Barcelona, Spain

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Conference Topics
Keynote Presentation

eChallenges e2006 Agenda

Updated: 2006-10-23 02:45:39

Disclaimer: This is the Advance Programme, which is subject to change.

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Day 1: 25 October 2006

Opening Plenary 1a
Chair: Joao Da Silva, European Commission, Belgium
Barcelona - City of Innovation
Maravillas Rojo, Barcelona Activa, Spain

Strategies for our Networked Future
Joao Da Silva, European Commission, Belgium

Implementing ICT Policies through Sustainable eServices
Dave Broster, Joint Research Centre IPTS, Spain

Shared Services, How to Increase Effectiveness and Efficiency in Public Sector
Bernard Meric, Hewlett-Packard International, Switzerland

Why Do We Need eGovernment Services So Urgently?
Ernest Maragall i Mira, Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain

Coffee Break : Exhibition & Networking
Session 2a: Networked Business 1: Case Studies
Chair: Jose C. Gonzalez, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
Extended Postal Enterprise: Using Technology to Improve Customer Value and Empower Franchisees in Integrated Business Framework
Damir Trninic, Student, Serbia

The Effects of Standards-based eBusiness in the Public Sector
Eva Söderström, University of Skövde, Sweden

Consolidating Usability - Case Study on Implementing the "Styleguide-Web"
Stephan Raimer, Flensburg University, Germany

Session 2b: eGovernment 1: Process Issues
Chair: Per Blixt, European Commission, Belgium
Building Response Capacity through Cross-boundary Information Sharing: The Critical Role of Trust
Theresa Pardo, Center for Technology in Government, United States

Strategic Options for Pan-European E-Government Interoperability
Libor Neumann, ANECT a.s., Czech Republic

Virtual Revenue Administration, Turkey: An Innovative Implementation of ICT and BPR towards a Citizen-Centric Tax Authority
Yenal Gogebakan, Cybersoft Information Technologies, Turkey

Uptake in Online Tax Filing in Ireland (ROS)
Sean Cosgrove, Revenue Commissioners, Ireland

Knowledge-Process-Reengineering for e-Governance
Gianluca Misuraca, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - EPFL, Switzerland

Session 2c: eWork 1: Collaboration & Design Issues
Chair: Teresa De Martino, European Commission, Belgium
openAdap.Net: A Collaborative Sharing Environment
Javier Iglesias, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Design and Emotions have a Key Role in the Next Generation of Goods and Services
Miguel Tito, IBV, Spain

Adaptive Complexity Management for Industrial Collaborations
Uta Schminke, WZL, Germany

Introduction of Geolocalisation Devices in the Workplace: Socio-legal Issues
Nicole TURBE-SUETENS, Distance Expert, France

Session 2d: Technology Enhanced Learning 1: Collaborative Learning
Chair: Marco Marsella, European Commission, Luxembourg
iCamp: The Educational Web for Higher Education in an Enlarged Europe
Barbara Kieslinger, Centre for Social Innovation ZSI, Austria

Future of Knowledge Management in Higher Education Research in Singapore
Ching Leen Chiam, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

New Conceptual Paradigms for Introducing Group Work and Group Based Technology in the Higher Education Environment
Alan Hogarth, Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom

From Peer Learning to P2P Learning - New Life or Obsolescence for the Traditional Learning Institutions?
Ulf Blomqvist, VINNOVA, Sweden

Session 2e: Smart & Virtual Organisations 1: Applications
Chair: Nenad Ivezic, National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States
Service Operating Cost Transparency in Customer and Supplier Relationships
Oliver Schneider, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Cold-Trace: a Mobile-based Traceability Solution Rendering Fleet Management more Effective
Yolanda Ursa, INMARK, Spain

Personal Attribute Provider: A Secure Framework for Personal Attribute Exchange on the Internet
Yoji Maeda, Next Generation Electronics Commerce Promotion Council of Japan (ECOM), Japan

Session 2f: eHealth 1: Issues & Case Studies
Chair: Asuman Dogac, Software Research and Development and Consultancy Ltd., Turkey
Semantic Web in Medicine: The Role of Ontologies
Paola di Giacomo, University La Sapienza of Rome, Italy

Construction of a Process Model for the Integration of Formal Methods in the Development of Medical Guidelines
Mar Marcos, Universitat Jaume I, Spain

eChallenges in the Implementation of eHealth Services Over a Hybrid Network Architecture: the case of eLearning
Angelina Kouroubali, Foundation for Research & Technology-Hellas, Greece

Business Potential for e-Health Value-added Services - an Application in the Orphan Drug Market
Stefano Bianchi, Softeco Sismat SpA, Italy

Session 2g: SME Industrial Issues
Chair: Richard Stevens, IDC, Italy
An ICT-supported Methodology for Expert Identification in the Technology Monitoring Process
Sven Schimpf, Fraunhofer IAO, Germany

Towards Effective Knowledge Management: A Requirements Analysis of European Manufacturing SMEs
Kathryn Cormican, NUI Galway, Ireland

Open Sources to Empower SMEs
Henk de Poot, Telematica Instituut, Netherlands

SME Interoperability Establishing Methodology: a Guided Roadmap for the Journey to Interoperability
Igor Santos , European Software Institute, Spain

Session 2h: International Cooperation Issues
Chair: Philip Seltsikas, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: Mechanisms and Emerging Environments for International Collaboration
Puvan J Selvanathan, Global Knowledge Partnership, Malaysia

The Field of IS and Indian Reasoning: Making a Case for an Inclusive Research Agenda
Sudhanshu Rai, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Experiences and Approach to Exploitation for Large Research Projects
María Aránzazu Toro Escudero, Telefónica I+D, Spain

The PACE Exploitation Toolkit
Androklis Mavridis, ALTEC SA Information and Communication Systems, Greece

Lunch : Exhibition & Networking
Session 3a: Networked Business 2: Applications
Chair: Pete Bramhall, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories Europe, United Kingdom
Existing Applications for Networked Business: Current State of Adoption on the basis of the latest e-Business W@tch Findings
Georgios Karageorgos, European Commission, Belgium

E-Med Tex-Net: Cluster for the Development of a Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Network in the Textile Clothing Sector
Hazem Abbas, Ain Shams University, Egypt

Business Integration for eServices in collaborative Car Breakdown Support
Tobias Brosze, FIR: Institute for Operations Management at RWTH Aachen, Germany

Economics of a Portal for Teenagers: Making A Mix of Real and Virtual Life Profitable
Andrzej P. Urbanski, Poznan University of Techology, Poland

Session 3b: eGovernment 2: Delivery & Assessment of eGovernment Services
Chair: Sharon Dawes, University at Albany/SUNY, United States
The 'Barcelona Model' of eGovernment
Jose-Ramon Rodriguez, Municipality of Barcelona, Spain

An Intelligent Front-end for Government Websites
Peter Cruickshank, Edinburgh Napier Univerity, United Kingdom

Mobile Services for Government
Ljupco Antovski, University Ss.Cyril and Methodius, Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of

ORIENT: An Expert-based Tool for Assessing the User-orientation of eServices
Angeliki Kastrinaki, FORTH, Greece

The e-Citizen Charter as an Instrument to boost e-Government
Matt Poelmans, CitizenVision, Netherlands

Session 3c: eWork 2: Collaborative Working Environments Case Studies
Chair: Hans Schaffers, Aalto University School of Economics & ESoCE Net, Netherlands
Towards the Experimental Work of Ubiquitous Workware and Collaboration
Masayoshi Furuya, Japan Business Machine and Information System Industries Association, Japan

Lessons Learned from the Successful Implementation of a Structured Change Management Approach
Andy Croft, Self employed (interim manager), United Kingdom

European Semantic Portal on Workplace Safety
Ainhoa Llorente Coto, ROBOTIKER FOUNDATION, Spain

Adoption of a Collaborative Working Environment by the European Research Community of Human Factors for Intelligent Transport Systems
Arnaud Bonnard, INRETS , France

Session 3d: Technology Enhanced Learning 3: Learning Objects & Collaboration
Chair: Stephan Raimer, Flensburg University, Germany
Making Learning Objects Useful with Semantic Web Services
Nuria De Lama, ATOS ORIGIN, Spain

Establishing Technical Quality Criteria for Learning Objects
Fredrik Paulsson, Umeå University, Sweden

European Schoolnet: Building a pan-European Learning Resource Exchange for Schools (the CELEBRATE, CALIBRATE and MELT projects)
Jim Ayre, Multimedia Ventures, United Kingdom

e-COMODE Services for the Implementation of Collaborative Modelling Environments in Schools
Esther Casado, Atos Origin SAE, Spain

Session 3e: Smart & Virtual Organisations 2: Collaboration & Indicators
Chair: Robert Alard, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Status and Trends in the Coordination and Integration of Business Related Services into the Manufacturing Supply Chain
Bogdan Nitu, FIR: Institute for Operations Management at RWTH Aachen, Germany

Peer-To-Peer-Based Lifecycle Management for Collaborative Business Processes
Philipp Walter, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany

Ontology-Based Reusable Process Patterns for Collaborative Work Environments in the Construction Industry
Peter Katranuschkov, Dresden University of Technology, Germany

icBench – Key Performance Indicators for the Portuguese Construction Industry
Henriqueta Nóvoa, FEUP- Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal

Session 3f: eHealth 2: Applications
Chair: Dave Broster, Joint Research Centre IPTS, Spain
ORTHOSIM: the European Simulation Service Provider (SSP) for Orthopaedic Surgery
Ana-Cruz García, Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, Spain

A Framework for Decision Support Systems Creation: Application to the Cardiovascular Diseases Domain
Maria Tzima, Unit of Medical Technology and Intelligent Information Systems, Greece

SAPHIRE: A Semantic Web Service based Clinical Guideline Deployment Infrastructure Exploiting IHE XDS
Gökçe Banu Laleci Erturkmen, Software Research, Development and Consultation Ltd. , Turkey

Session 3g: SME Collaboration & Integration Issues
Chair: Peter Weiss, Weiss4 , Germany
Supporting e-Business Integration in North Wales
Tom Kirkham, STFC, United Kingdom

Advanced Web GIS-based Services for Increasing Competitiveness of SMEs in the European Wine Industry
Massimo Bertoncini, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, Italy

Knowledge-based Collaborative Environment for SMEs in the Construction Sector
Mikel Sorli, LABEIN, Spain

A Sustainable Approach to Promote Collaboration among Europe’s Small and Medium Enterprise Industrial Clusters
Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge, Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH, Germany

Session 3h: New Member States and Candidate Countries
Chair: Jonathan Cave, RAND Europe, United Kingdom
Modeling ICT Diffusion
Iskra Popova, Mid Sweden University, Sweden

Support Organisations to Benefit from European Initiatives: the Star-net Project
Alexandre Almeida, Inovamais, Portugal

Regional Cooperation as a Way for Information Society Development in SEE
Marijana Vidas Bubanja, Stability Pact for SEE, Serbia

An Approach in ERA Building – the Case of the Project ALIPRO
Borka Jerman Blazic, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

Coffee Break : Exhibition & Networking
Session 4a: Networked Business 3: Issues & Applications
Chair: Stefan Wesner, University Ulm, Germany
Process-Based Performance Measurement of Networked Businesses
Thomas Matheis, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany

A Multi-Agent Market Simulator to support Negotiation Decision Making
Maria João Viamonte, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal

Enterprise Model Driven Creation of Business Protocols
Timo Kahl, DFKI, Germany

Business Rule-enabled Process Modelling
Dirk Werth, DFKI, Germany

Session 4b: eGovernment 3: Case Studies
Chair: Stephen Curwell, University of Salford, United Kingdom
Online Booking and Payment Services of Turin Municipality Structures and Services
Franco Carcillo, City of Turin, Italy

Online Delivery of Vehicle Registration Services in Slovenia
Teja Batagelj, Ministry of Public Administration, Slovenia

eGovernment Development in Lithuania
Rimantas Gatautis, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Virtual Planning through the Use of Interoperable Environmental Simulations and OpenGIS GML
Souheil Soubra, Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment, France

eGovernment in Shanghai: The Exploration and Practice of Urban Management Based on Gridded Management Theory
Yuanfang Wang, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

Session 4c: eWork 3: Living Labs
Chair: Jesse Marsh, Atelier Studio Associato, Italy
Wearable Computing and Living Labs – Synergy at Work
Michael Boronowsky, TZI Universität Bremen, Germany

Lessons learned from two Dutch Living Labs: Freeband and Kenniswijk
Ingrid Mulder, Telematica Instituut, Netherlands

Madeira Island Living Lab Rural Domain
Tunde Kallai, X10D International IT Services Hungary Kft., Hungary

Workshop 4d: Next Generation in Technology Enhanced Learning
Chair: Pierluigi Ritrovato, DIIMA-CRMPA (Centro di Ricerca in Matematica Pura e Applicata), Italy
A Model for the Efficient Representation and Management of Online Collaborative Learning Interactions
Santi Caballé, Open University of Catalonia, Spain

Application of a Virtual Scientific Experiment Model in Different Educational Contexts
Anna Pierri, CEMSAC- Centro di Eccellenza su Metodi e Sistemi per Aziende Competitive , Italy

Creation and Delivery of Adaptive Unit of Learning using the ELeGI Software Architecture: the VSE Model Implementation Case Study
Pierluigi Ritrovato, DIIMA-CRMPA (Centro di Ricerca in Matematica Pura e Applicata), Italy

L4All - A Web-service based System for Lifelong Learners
Alexandra Poulovassilis, Birkbeck, University of London, United Kingdom

Session 4e: Smart & Virtual Organisations: Product Related Issues
Chair: Bernhard Katzy, CeTIM, Germany
Towards a Process Reference Model for the Management of Industrial Services
Andreas Nobs, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

A Lean Solution for Modeling and Analysing Production Networks of SMEs
Soeren Guenther, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Improving the Use and Exchange of Information in Industrial Service Organisations
Andre Minkus, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland

Session 4f: eHealth 3: Telemedicine Applications & Case Studies
Chair: Asuman Dogac, Software Research and Development and Consultancy Ltd., Turkey
Effectiveness of International Trans-Telephonic ECG System Use in Clinical Practice for Patients Awaiting Elective CABG Surgery at Home
Giedrius Vanagas, Kaunas University of Medicine, Lithuania

Lyra: Home Hospitalisation Distributed Management System
Vicente Traver Salcedo , ITACA, Spain

Extension of Asynch-NET Architecture for Telemedicine: Network for Clinic Centers in the Rural Areas of Developing Countries
Kenedy Greyson, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic Of

Performance Evaluation of a Flexible Framework Proposal for eGovernment Applications Using the Return Path of Digital Television

Workshop 4g: Towards a Single European Information Space for SMEs
Chair: Michael Matthiesen, Universitaet Stuttgart, Germany
The SEEM path to a Single European Information Space
Ricardo Goncalves, UNINOVA, Portugal

Digital Ecosystems of Small Companies in the Enlarged Europe
Flavio Bonfatti, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

Towards Ontology Based Information and Communication Systems in the Single European Information Space for SMEs

Taking Advantage of STEP, MDA, and SOA to Push SMEs towards a Single European Information Space
Carlos Agostinho, UNINOVA, Portugal

Workshop 4h: IST Initiatives in Africa
Chair: Paul Cunningham, IIMC Limited, Ireland
A Comparative Study of eAdoption Activities in South Africa and Mozambique
Chris Morris, CSIR, South Africa

e-Government and Architecture Principles Government Portal Case Study
Lourino Chemane, Ministry of Science and Technology, Mozambique

An Assessment of E-Skills, ICT Policies, Strategies and Infrastructure in the Public Service in Botswana
Dorothy Mpabanga, University of Botswana, Botswana

eAdoption in Semi-Urban and Rural Communities in Tanzania
Hamisi Nguli, Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology, Tanzania, United Republic Of

Information and Data-sharing: Promoting Integration, Efficiency and Cost-effectiveness
Henry Alamango, Commonwealth Network of IT for Development, Malta

Tutorial 5a: Networked Business: Current Research & FP7
Networked Business - Current Research and Future Directions
Marion Le Louarn, European Commission, Belgium

Tutorial 5b: eGovernment - Current Research & Future Funding Mechanisms
eGovernment and eParticipation: The Way Forward
Per Blixt, European Commission, Belgium

Tutorial 5c: Collaborative Working Environments: Current Research & FP7
Collaborative Working Environment: Current Research & Future Directions
Bror Salmelin, European Commission, Belgium

Tutorial 5d: Technology-Enhanced Learning: Current Research & FP7
Technology-Enhanced Learning - Current Research and Future Directions
Marco Marsella, European Commission, Luxembourg

Tutorial 5e: GRID - Current Research & FP7
GRID - Current Research and Future Directions
Max Lemke, European Commission, Belgium

Tutorial 5f: RFID
State-of-play on the European Commissions' RFID Consultation Activities
Peter Fatelnig, European Commission, Belgium

Tutorial 5g: Knowledge and Content Technologies: Current Research & FP7
Knowledge and Content Technologies: Current Research & Future Directions
Roberto Cencioni, European Commission, Luxembourg

Tutorial 5h: Software Technologies: Current Research & FP7
Software Technologies: Current Research & Future Directions
Arian Zwegers, European Commission, Belgium

Day 2: 26 October 2006

Session 6a: Networked Business 4: Interoperability Architecture Issues
Chair: Marion Le Louarn, European Commission, Belgium
A Validation Architecture for Advanced Interoperability Provisioning
Nenad Ivezic, National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States

Federated Message-based Architecture for eBusiness Interoperability in New Member States SMEs
Gerald Knoll , Fraunhofer Institut Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung , Germany

The Requirement for an Interoperability Service: Power-Distribution in an eBusiness World
Lutz Schubert, University Ulm, Germany

Using Onion Routing to Secure Peer-to-Peer Supported Business Collaboration
Fabian Stäber, Siemens AG, Germany

Session 6b: eGovernment 4: Regional Government Case Studies
Chair: Gareth MacNaughton, Cisco UK&I, United Kingdom
From Technological Determinism to Regional Development: Lessons Learned from the Portuguese Digital Cities Program (1998-2006)
Jose Moutinho, Technical Univesity of Lisbon, Portugal

Secure Access to Local Government Online Services: the Case of Lombardy
Walter Castelnovo, Università dell'Insubria, Italy

Open Source Software in Small City Governments and the Promotion of Regional Entrepreneurship
Antao Moura, Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Brazil

How to Avoid the Transformation of Barriers to OSS Adoption in Public Administration into Barriers for Regional Development
Julia Velkova, Internet Society Bulgaria, Bulgaria

eGovernment Strategic Planning for Local Administration: Work in Progress
Maria R. Osuna Alarcón, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain

Workshop 6c: Co-creative Living Labs
Chair: Marika Kaliff, European Commission, Belgium
Co-Chair: Angelos Ktenas, European Commission, Belgium
The European Network of LivingLabs for CWE - User-Centric Co-creation and Innovation
Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

Creating Environments where Innovation can Emerge: Human Factors in CWE Design
Paolo Martinez, Firenze Tecnologia - Azienda Speciale della Camera di Commercio, Italy

Living Labs for Collaborative Working Environments - A Multi-Agent System Architecture Proposal
Esteve Almirall, Esade, Spain

Exploring European Innovation through Diversity and Regional Collaboration
Sascha Haselmayer, Interlace-Invent, Spain

Session 6d: ICT in Educational Environments
Chair: Kim Davis, Research Council of Norway, Norway
Turning the Internet Around – e-Me: The Students Ideal e-Service
Lars Albinsson, Maestro Management, Sweden

Designing On-Line Discussion Forums Centered around Learners
Katherine Chiluiza, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Ecuador

Cost-Effective ICT Management in Educational Environments: the OASIS Project
Francisco Javier Ruiz Piñar, ETSI Telecomunciación - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

The "Net in Schools" Project
Ivana SOLJACIC RICHTER, Croatian Telecom Inc., Croatia

Workshop 6e: Virtual Organisations and Supportive ICT
Chair: Alessandro Braccini, ESoCE-Net, Italy
Co-Chair: Iiro Salkari, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland
A Professional Virtual Comminities ICT Infrastructure
Sergio Gusmeroli, TXT e-Solutions SPA, Italy

An Approach to Configuration of Virtual Organisation Management Services
Iiro Salkari, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland

Demonstration of a Functioning Social & Business Networking Application of the Advanced Collaborative Platform for Professional Virtual Communities
Gergely Doszpod, AIESEC International, Netherlands

ICT Use and Shared Understanding in Virtual Teams: Insights from Six Case Studies
Joris de Rooij, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Session 6f: eHealth 4: Hospital Applications & Case Studies
Chair: Paul Cunningham, IIMC Limited, Ireland
ERDDS - A Test Case for the Integration of the European Radiology Sector
Enrico Morten, Softeco Sismat SpA, Italy

Analysis of Medical Data in the Belgian Public Health Insurance, Aiming to Improve Data Warehousing and Communication
Nick De Swaef, Landsbond Neutrale Ziekenfondsen (National Union of Neutral Health Insurance Mutuals), Belgium

Compliance Improvement Using Intelligent Electronic Forms
Axel Saffran, intarsys consulting GmbH, Germany

3D Human - An Interactive Human Anatomy Browser using Ultra Compact Shape Representation
Valery RUTKOVSKIY, Krasnoyarsk State Technical University, Russian Federation

Workshop 6g: SME Support Integration in FP7
Chair: Tanja Vos, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Collaborating into the Future: Empowering SMEs to Innovate – Long-term, Self-defined, Collaboratively
Katrin Reschwamm, EUrelations AG, Switzerland

Improving the Support to SMEs by Streamlining Partner Search Facilities
Eric ACW van Pelt, ICTRegie, Netherlands

The Main Goals of the National Technology Platforms - the Spanish Case

Enterprise Groupings
Darren Morrant, The European Association of Innovating SMEs, Belgium

Integrating Indian SMEs to participate in the IST Programme
Surbhi Sharma, ITSMA(Interactive Technology Software & Media Association), India

Engines of Change: IT and Complexity are Shaping Tomorrow's World
Florin Munteanu , Center for Complexity Studies, Romania

Session 6h: eAdoption
Chair: Jesse Marsh, Atelier Studio Associato, Italy
A Tool for Calculating eReadiness
Claudia Thonabauer, JK University of Linz, Austria

Automatic Benchmarking and Presentation of the First Results from the European Internet Accessibility Observatory
Mikael Snaprud, Agder University College, Norway

eBusiness Adoption Benchmarking for the Region, Challenges and Practises
Stanislaw Wrycza, University of Gdansk, Poland

Coffee Break : Exhibition & Networking
Workshop 7a: Business Interoperability
Chair: Man-Sze Li, IC Focus, United Kingdom
Evolution of Business Interoperability in the Automotive Industry
Kristin Wende, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

Assessing the Value of Interoperability: An Example from the Automotive Industry
Kim van Oorschot, INSEAD, France

Semantic Reconciliation of Business Documents in a SOA Framework
Michele Missikoff, CNR, Italy

Future Markets for Enterprise Interoperability: Some Issues for Consideration
Man-Sze Li, IC Focus, United Kingdom

Session 7b: Security, Privacy & Identity Management
Chair: Pete Bramhall, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories Europe, United Kingdom
Realizing Advanced Security Requirements for Inter-organizational Workflows
Mirad Zadic, ARC Seibersdorf research GmbH., Austria

European Federated Identity Management Key Concepts through the Fidelity Approach
Vincent Etchebarne, Orange Labs, France

Best Practices in Federated Identity Scenarios
Manel Medina, Universitat Politecnica Catalunya (UPC), Spain

Hidden in Plain Sight – the Privacy Implications of Biometrics
Jonathan Cave, RAND Europe, United Kingdom

"TEOFRAST" – A Biometric System Based on Users' Identification Through Handwriting Dynamics
Pavel Lozhnikov, Siberian State Automobile and Highway academy (SibADI), Russian Federation

Workshop 7c: ICT Supporting Emergency Response & Management
Chair: Georgios Tselentis, European Commission, Belgium
Advanced Mobile Services for Search And Rescue (SAR)
Jens Pottebaum, Universitaet Paderborn, Germany

A Peer to Peer Mobile Collaboration Model for Emergency Response
Dimitris Baltas, ATC ROM SRL, Romania

Improving Incident Management through the Provision of Accurate Indoor/Outdoor Location Information and Location Based Services for the Emergency Services
Simon Labbett, Sussex Police, United Kingdom

Playing with Fire – Towards Innovative Yet Safe and Usable ICT support in Emergency Response through Experience Prototyping
Markus Klann, Fraunhofer FIT, Germany

Session 7d: Technology Enhanced Learning & Skills Assessment
Chair: David Esteban, TECHFORCE, S.L., Spain
Benchmarking Lifelong Learning and eLearning in Regions: Measuring What Really Counts
Karsten Gareis, empirica Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Technologieforschung mbH, Germany

Measuring and Benchmarking Digital Literacy Strategies and Efforts: the BENTLI Project
Manon van Leeuwen, Office for European Projects, Regional Government of Extremadura, Spain

Performance-centered e-Learning in the Framework of Industry/University Partnership
Catalina Martínez Mediano, Spanish University for Distance Education, Spain

A Survey of ECDL "Graduates" in Italy
Fulvia Sala, AICA, Italy

Workshop 7e: Business Models - Based on Innovative Collaboration Infrastructures
Chair: Martin Hafner, University of Hohenheim, Germany
Process-Logic based Value Networks for Mobile Grid Technology as Business Collaboration Infrastructure
Martin Hafner, University of Hohenheim, Germany

Private Business Infrastructures in a VO Environment
Stefan Wesner, University Ulm, Germany

The Rise of BCI Service Providers
Geleyn Meijer, LogicaCMG, Netherlands

Session 7f: eHealth 5: National & Regional Case Studies
Chair: Richard Stevens, IDC, Italy
The CRS-SISS Project: A Regional Strategy for e-Health
Claudio BERETTA, Regione Lombardia, Italy

Citizen-Centric e-Healthcare Management Based on the XML Web Services
Mayumi Hori, Hakuoh University, Japan

How the Portuguese are using the Internet for Health Purposes
Silvina Santana, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Digital Hospital Infrastructure: How to Build the Hospital of the Future Now
Baldur Johnsen, Hewlett-Packard, Switzerland

Session 7g: Mobility 1: Issues
Chair: Mícheál Ó Foghlú, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Universal Ethernet Telecommunications Service: Towards a New Layer 2 based Internet
Jose Morales Barroso, L&M Data Communications, Spain

Ultra-wide Band: A Radio Technology to Widen the Business Models
Jorge Hernández Pablo, Telefónica I+D, Spain

On the Benefit of Using Mobile Technologies in Business Processes
Sina Deibert, University Mannheim, Germany

AmI Technology Based Business Improvements in Manufacturing SMEs
Uwe Kirchhoff, ATB Institut fuer angewandte Systemtechnik Bremen, GmbH, Germany

Session 7h: eInclusion
Chair: Valerie Gregg, University of Southern California, United States
eInclusion – Towards a Coherent European Policy Response to Social Inequalities in the Information Society
Ingo Meyer, empirica, Germany

Designing ICT for Older People
John Waterworth, Umea University, Sweden

Advanced Technology and Interface for Interactive Speech Impediment Therapy
Dora Csendes, University of Szeged, Hungary

Lunch : Exhibition & Networking
Workshop 8a: Contracting in an eBusiness Environment
Chair: Bastian Koller, HLRS, Germany
Contractual Frameworks for Enterprise Networks and Virtual Organisations in E-Learning
Tobias Mahler, Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law, Norway

Towards Autonomous Brokered SLA Negotiation
Peer Hasselmeyer, NEC Europe Ltd., Germany

An Enhanced Strategy for SLA Management in the Business Context of New Mobile Dynamic VO
Francesco D'Andria, Atos Origin, Spain

Filling The Gap Between SLA and Monitoring
Olivier Nano, Microsoft, Germany

Workshop 8b: Coordinating eGovernment R&D Support in Europe: How to Best Reach the European Research Agenda
Chair: Kim Davis, Research Council of Norway, Norway
eGOVERNET – European eGovernment Research Funding Agency Network
Colm Butler, Department of the Taoiseach, Ireland

R&D for Innovation in the Public Sector – A National Agenda for Renewal
Trond Knudsen, Research Council of Norway, Norway

Innovative Development of Cross-Boundary Public eServices
Madeleine Siösteen Thiel, VINNOVA (Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems), Sweden

Workshop 8c: Breaking Rural Development Barriers Through Collaborative Working Environments Related Technologies
Chair: Krystyna Marek, European Commission, Belgium
Exploiting Spatial Data Infrastructures for Rural Mobility
Michael Gould, GeoSpatial Partners Srl, Italy

Wireless Technologies Enabling Collaboration and Bridging over Water in the Turku Archipelago
Patrizia Hongisto, Helsinki School of Economics, Finland

AMI@Work Family of Communities Facilitating eWork and eBusiness Innovation and Implementation of the i2010 Initiative
Adam Turowiec, Innovation Ltd, Poland

Workshop 8d: ICT Skills - Towards the Harmonisation of Certification Schemes
Chair: Maik Herfurth, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
i2010 Initiative First Annual Report 2005 - Living Labs Network and e-Skills in the New Work Place Strategy
Angelos Ktenas, European Commission, Belgium

Survey of Certification Schemes of ICT Professionals across Europe towards Harmonisation - The Harmonise Project
Peter Weiss, Weiss4 , Germany

ICT Competences and Learning Developments: the eCCO Portal in Italy
Clementina Marinoni, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Workshop 8e: Grid Economics
Chair: Maria Tsakali, European Commission, Belgium
Incentives for Resource Provision in Scientific Grids
Stavros Routzounis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

Economic Modeling of Grid Services
Jörn Altmann, International University Bruchsal, Germany

Grid Business in Korea
Junseok Hwang, Seoul National University, Korea, Republic Of

Self-Organizing ICT Resource Management - Policy-based Automated Bidding
Dirk Neumann, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Workshop 8f: Boosting eGovernment Adoption through Interoperability: the Terregov project
Chair: Marco Di Girolamo, Hewlett-Packard Italy, Italy
Marco Di Girolamo, Hewlett-Packard Italy, Italy

Assessment of eGovernment Services Market in Europe
Norbert Benamou, Business Flow Consulting, France

Organizational Barriers to eGovernment Adoption for Civil Servants
Alain Keravel, HEC, France

Regional Service Centers: the HP Approach to Foster eGovernment Services Adoption
Lorenzo Castelli, Hewlett-Packard, Italy

Terregov Open Architecture and Open Source Software Repository
Maria Pérez Ortega, GFI Informática, Spain

Session 8g: Mobility 2: Applications
Chair: Stefan Wesner, University Ulm, Germany
Self-adaptive Applications on the Fly for Mobile Users
Jose Manuel Sanchez, IntegraSys, Spain

A Multimedia Service Platform for Enterprises over Multiple Wireless Networks
Jose Fornes, University of Seville, Spain

A Novel Context-aware System Based on a Bluetooth Sensor Network
Carlos Fernández Herranz, Universidade da Coruña, Spain

Implementation of WiMAX over GSM/GPRS Networks
Naveed Ali Kaim Khani, The French South African Technical Institute in Electronics, South Africa

Session 8h: eTourism/Cultural Heritage
Chair: Alvaro Oliveira, Alfamicro, Lda., Portugal
A Context-aware eTourism Application Enabling Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange among Tourists
Federica Paganelli, CNIT, Italy

Agamemnon: A Multimedia Guide to Archaeological Sites on Mobile Phones
Matteo Villa, TXT e-Solutions, Italy

A Mobile Tourist Guide
Izaskun Mendia, Fundación ROBOTIKER, Spain

Incorporating User Requirements of the Disabled Traveller Market in Developing an Inclusive e-Marketplace for Accessible Tourism in Europe: Technical Challenges
Dimitrios Buhalis, University of Surrey, United Kingdom

Coffee Break : Exhibition & Networking
Workshop 9a: Contracting in an eBusiness environment II
Chair: Bastian Koller, HLRS, Germany
Negotiating Contracts on the Grid
Dean Kuo, University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Challenges in EU Grid Contracts
Michael Parkin, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Service Level Agreements and Regulatory Compliance in eBusiness
Peter Matthews, CA, United Kingdom

Session 9b: eVoting & eParticipation
Chair: Gareth MacNaughton, Cisco UK&I, United Kingdom
Integrating Internet Voting within Democracy Suite Automated Election Workflow
Goran Obradovic, Dominion Voting Systems Corporation, Canada

The Paradigmatic Case of Electronic Voting in Switzerland: The Case of Neuchâtel
Francesc Arbiol, Scytl Secure Electronic Voting S.A., Spain

Managing Security Risks in eVoting over the Internet
Jaak Tepandi, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

The Gov2DemOSS eParticipation Platform: A New Era Tool for eDemocracy Implementation
Vasilis Koulolias, Gov2u, Greece

Evaluation of the eParticipate project - The Use of Webcasting to Support and Encourage eParticipation
Catherine Howe, Public-i, United Kingdom

Workshop 9c: Collaborative Games for Leisure and Edutainment
Chair: Leonie Schaefer, EU Commission , Belgium
Using Serious Games to Improve European Competitiveness
Alvaro Oliveira, Alfamicro, Lda., Portugal

A Case Study of Applying Agile Principles to Build a Serious Game in Strategic Manufacturing
Bjorn Andersen, SINTEF, Norway

Exploring Mixed Reality Gaming Interfaces
Irma Lindt, Fraunhofer FIT, Germany

Gaming and Social Interaction in Mediated Environments: the PASION Project
Ben Kirman, University of Lincoln, United Kingdom

From Edutainment to Innovation – Developing a New Playground for Serious Games
Jacob Jaskov, Learning Lab Denmark, Denmark

Workshop 9d: Europe’s Strategic Research Agenda to Deliver Secure, Dependable & Resilient European ICT Technologies to empower the citizen and Protect Critical Infrastructure
Chair: Jim Clarke, TSSG, WIT, Ireland
Security, Dependability and Trust: Towards a Roadmap 2007 - 2013
Jim Clarke, TSSG, WIT, Ireland

ECOM Long Term Electronic Signature Plugtest
Kenji Urushima, Entrust Japan Co., Ltd., Japan

European Security Forum for Web Services, software and systems (ESFORS)
Pedro Soria-Rodriguez, Atos Origin, Spain

NESSI Trust, Security and Dependability Working Group
Aljosa Pasic, Atos Origin, Spain

Critical Information Infrastructure Research Co-ordination
Uwe Bendisch, Fraunhofer SIT, Germany

Session 9e: Innovation
Chair: Philip Seltsikas, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Personalization Strategies and Practices for Innovation
Robert Verburg, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Harnessing the Competitive Advantages of Disruptive Innovation
Jose Antonio Estevez Garcia, Atos Origin, sae, Spain

Semantic Web-based Product Modelling, Ontologies and Configurators
Peter Bonsma, TNO, Netherlands

Smart Prediction Assistant: An Innovative Customer Intelligence Platform for Next Generation Ambient Recommender Systems
Gustavo Gonzalez-Sanchez, University of Girona. Agents Research Lab., Spain

Session 9f: Knowledge Management 1: Issues & Applications
Chair: Jonathan Sage, IBM United Kingdom Ltd, United Kingdom
Knowledge Management - A Multidisciplinary Survey
Mounib Mekhilef, CRSA - Ecole Centrale Paris, France

Virtual Knowledge Networks, a Typology
J.H.Erik Andriessen, Delft University of TEchnology, Netherlands

Ontology based Search and Storage of Market Information
Wolf Engelbach, Fraunhofer IAO, Germany

Session 9g: Mobility 3: Case Studies
Chair: Mícheál Ó Foghlú, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Context-aware Service Coordination for Mobile Users
Cesar Caceres, University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain

Mobile Applications to Enhance Mobile Services - Case Study of Java Mobile Client
Heli Helaakoski, VTT Technical Research Centre, Finland

Workflow Technologies for a Virtual ISP
Yuri Glickman, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany

Session 9h: Digital Content 1: Issues
Chair: Roger Wallis, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Popular Culture as a Driver of Internet Use
Håkan Selg, Uppsala University, Sweden

On-line Consumers – What Exactly Do They Share, Download and Stream?
Anders Edström-Frejman, Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Sweden

Thieves or Customers? File-sharing in the Digital World
Olle Findahl, World Internet Institute, Sweden

The IPR Regime and The Open Source/Open Content Movement – An Alternative Stimulus for Creativity or on a Collision Course?
Lars-Erik Eriksson, DACC Systems AB, Sweden

Day 3: 27 October 2006

Workshop 10a: NESSI - the European Software and Services Technology Platform
Chair: Frederic Gittler, HP Labs, France
Frederic Gittler, HP Labs, France

NESSI Challenges
Véronique Pevtschin, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A, Italy

SOA Development Based on Enterprise Models and Existing IT Systems
Jörg Ziemann, German Research Center for Artifical Intelligence (DFKI), Germany

NESSI e-Health: Accelerating the Impact of ICT in the European e-Health Domain
Blanca Jordan, ATOS Origin SAE, Spain

Stefano De Panfilis, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, Italy

Workshop 10b: eGovernment 2020 Roadmap
Chair: Bernhard Katzy, CeTIM, Germany
The ICT Policy Mix for eGovernment, eContent, eBusiness and eWork - An Integrated and Prospective Policy Analysis
Martijn Poel, TNO ICT, Netherlands

Scenarios for eGovernment 2020 and Roadmap for Future eGovernment Research in Europe
Melanie Bicking, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany

Pan-European eGovernment: To boldly go where few have gone before
Rifka Weehuizen, UNU-MERIT, Netherlands

Workshop 10c: Online Communities of Practice
Chair: Liza Wohlfart, Fraunhofer IAO, Germany
Cultural Aspects in Online Communities of Practice: How to deal with them?
Flavius Sturm, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Language and Cultural Barriers in International Cooperation
Corinna Flöck, CRSA Ecole Centrale Paris, France

Setting up Communities of Practice for Innovative Russian SMEs
Johann Riedel, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Workshop 10d: Legal and Regulatory Challenges for IST and way forward
Chair: Tarek Hassan, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
General Introduction to the Workshop
Tarek Hassan, Loughborough University, United Kingdom

Synopsis of the LEGAL-IST Project – Aims, Objectives, Results to date
Marco Conte, ESoCE-Net, Italy

Legal Issues in Open Source Software
Zoe Kardasiadou, Centre for International and European Economic Law, Greece

Legal Issues in Software Agents
Giuseppe Contissa, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Italy

Legal Services offered by LEGAL-IST
Marco Conte, ESoCE-Net, Italy

The LEGAL-IST Intermediate Roadmap: Generation and Visualisation
Irina Neaga, Loughborough University, United Kingdom

State-of-the-art of Legal Research in IST and Way Forward
Gerald Spindler, University of Goettingen, Germany

Workshop 10e: Intelligent Transport Systems
Chair: Antonio Marqués, ETRA Research and Development, Spain
Cooperative Sensors for Smarter Transport Systems
Manuel Serrano, ETRA Investigación y Desarrollo, Spain

Avenues for Detectors Exploitation in Traffic Modelling
Sergio Grosso, University of Newcastle / PTV, United Kingdom

Middleware for Wireless Cooperation in Embedded Systems in ITS
Daniel Minder, Universitaet Stuttgart, IPVS, Germany

ICT Based Mobility in the Livorno Area
Paolo Frosini, Regione Toscana, Italy

Session 10f: Knowledge Management 2: Applications
Chair: Peter Stanbridge, Korora Limited, United Kingdom
New Linguistic-based Ontology-enabled Approaches in Biological Information Management
Andras Kocsor, University of Szeged, Hungary

Analytic Information Services for the European Research Area
Brigitte Joerg, DFKI GmbH, Germany

An Ontology-based Software Solution Using Semantic Technologies to Support Interoperability in a Business Network
Juha Tuikkanen, VTT, Finland

An Adjustable Knowledge Internet Portal for Support of Research and Business Activity
Yury Zagorulko, A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation

Workshop 10g: Aspects of Pervasive Computing I
Chair: Kevin Doolin, TSSG, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Dynamic Session Management: Supporting Global User Mobility
Fiona Mahon, TSSG, Ireland

A Context Awareness Framework for Telecommunication Environments
Carsten Pils, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland

Redirecting Communication in a Pervasive System
Elizabeth Papadopoulou, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

A Business Case for Pervasive Services
Robert Mullins, TSSG, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland

Session 10h: Digital Content 2
Chair: Roger Wallis, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
User Oriented Business Models in P2P Services
Lars-Erik Eriksson, DACC Systems AB, Sweden

DRM Application in the eCHASE Project
Marco Di Girolamo, Hewlett-Packard Italy, Italy

Electronic Program Guide in the Context of Multimodal and Ubiquitous Multimedia Service Provisioning
Kostas Tsagkaris, UPRC, Greece

Coffee Break : Exhibition & Networking
Workshop 11a: Towards Interoperability: Studying Standardisation for ICT and e-Business
Chair: Kai Jakobs, Aachen University, Germany
Open Standards and New Deliverables
Kai Jakobs, Aachen University, Germany

The Interface between Research and Standardisation
Heide Coenen, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

The Analysis of Standardised Technology in the Automotive Industry
Martina Gerst, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Providing a Semantic Description for an Interoperability Framework using Ontologies
Piero De Sabbata, Enea, Italy

Semantic Interoperability for Governments: Approaches for Model-based Development of Standardized Information Exchange
Jack Verhoosel, TNO, Netherlands

Workshop 11b: The eParticipation Research Challenges
Chair: Efthimios Tambouris, University of Macedonia, Greece
Co-Chair: Ann Macintosh, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
DEMO-net as a Collaborative Strategy to Support eParticipation Researchers
Naoum Liotas, University of Macedonia, Greece

eParticipation in Policy-making: the Research and the Challenges
Ann Macintosh, University of Leeds, United Kingdom

Some Research Lessons from the e-Community Forums in the Western Cape of South Africa
Wallace Taylor, Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), South Africa

e-Participation Management: Policy-input from DEMO-Net
Kim Normann Andersen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Workshop 11c: Defining Collaborative Working Environments: Present & Future
Chair: Bror Salmelin, European Commission, Belgium
The Way Towards a Technology Platform in Collaborative Working Environments: EC Vision
Bror Salmelin, European Commission, Belgium

CLOCK: Challenges of Collaborative Working Environments
Lydia Montandon, Atos Origin Spain, Spain

Network 4 Value - Value Creation by Networking; Study Results and Roadmap for Research
Veli-Pekka Niitamo, Nokia, Finland

Linking CWE and LL to the Innovation Process
Angelos Ktenas, European Commission, Belgium

Workshop 11d: Innovative and Adaptive pan-European services for Citizens in 2010 and Beyond: Drivers and Obstacles
Chair: Jonathan Cave, RAND Europe, United Kingdom
Workshop 11e: Implementing Sustainable eServices for Citizens and Business
Chair: Emilie Normann, European Commission, Belgium
How Sustainable Service Deployment Requires a Clear Perspective of End-users' Needs – the Case of the RoboBraille Service
Lars Ballieu Christensen, Synscenter Refsnæs, Denmark

Getting the Right Partnership for Deploying Services at a Trans-European Scale
Tarmo Sumeri, AS Andmevara, Estonia

The Importance of a Sound Business Case when going to the European Market
Thanos Giamas, Metis Net Ltd., Greece

The Value of Good Practice Transfer in Ensuring Sustainable eServices across Europe
Francois Heinderyckx, eForum and Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Session 11f: Knowledge Management 3: Case Studies
Chair: Peter Stanbridge, Korora Limited, United Kingdom
Leveraging Semantic Web Technologies to Integrate Information Related to Academic Papers
Martin Svihla, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

A Knowledge-Based Framework to Integrate Heterogeneous Web Applications in Organizations
Mauro Gaspari, University of Bologna, Italy

Wikis, Deduction Machines and Innovation: A Semantic-Reasoning-Wiki as a Strategic Innovation Tool for Architects and Designers
Stefan Knecht, System One GesmbH, Germany

Workshop 11g: Aspects of Pervasive Computing II
Chair: Kevin Doolin, TSSG, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Developing a Pervasive System for a Mobile Environment
Howard Williams, Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom

Integrating and Demonstrating Pervasiveness in a Scenario-driven Approach
Patrick Robertson, German Aerospace Center, Germany

Large-scale Interoperability, Integrating the Daidalos Project
Frances Cleary, Waterford Institute of Technology - TSSG, Ireland

Workshop 11h: Delivering the i2010 Vision
Chair: Anne Troye, European Commission, Belgium
i2010: eChallenges Ahead?
Anne Troye, European Commission, Belgium

From Citizens Attention to e-Governance
Cristina Ribas, Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain

An Industry Perspective on Growth and Employment in Europe
Benoît Müller, Business Software Alliance, Belgium

Benchmarking in i2010: Recent Trends
Luca Protti, European Commission, Belgium

Lunch : Exhibition & Networking
Closing Plenary 12a
Chair: Rosalie Zobel, European Commission, Belgium
Developing the IT&C Sector in Romania - Future Member of the EU
Iuliu WINKLER , Minister for Commerce, Romania

The Impact of ICT on Energy Efficiency
Rosalie Zobel, European Commission, Belgium

Research and Innovation - a Global Industry Perspective
Matthias Kaiserswerth, IBM Research GmbH, Switzerland

Connecting Partners
Auke Leenstra, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Netherlands

Workshop Findings
Paul Cunningham, IIMC Limited, Ireland

Disclaimer: This is the Advance Programme, which is subject to change.

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